Leading by Evoking Emotions / by Pastor Lopez
Author: gatelesis
The brain is a sophisticated computer that can process and interpret multiple inputs of information at once. It is also where we store certain information that we retrieve from time to time, some good and some bad. This stored information creates a frame of reference for our actions. Therefore, we all may react differently under similar circumstances. A GA Telesis leader’s job is to figure out what information to use to trigger emotions that will enable other individuals to achieve their potentials. This is incredibly relevant in the aviation world, where time is truly of the essence.
At GA Telesis, our leaders are trained to evoke emotions that create positive energy. Of course, the same technique or approach would not apply to all individuals. Therefore, our leader’s responsibility is to customize each response based on the situation and the individual. Some researchers call this emotional intelligence, and they all agree that it is a powerful key to leadership. What we know at GA Telesis, is that it works!
The Pygmalion effect is a form of self-fulfilling prophecy, and in this respect, people with low expectations internalize their negative label, and those with positive tags succeed accordingly. If leaders create a positive environment and paint a successful picture, studies conclude that our people are more likely to succeed.
Some ask, how does GA Telesis create that picture and build the proper environment to get people to act and achieve incredible results even during the current worldwide health and economic crisis? The aviation world has been impacted more so than other industries by the current situation. We look at it this way. Managers direct employees, whereas our leaders tap into memories, nostalgia, and/or people’s desires and dreams. To do this, we have to be comfortable with their own environment and have an extensive “library” to draw from.
At GA Telesis, we have a great team of expert aviation technicians. The current news cycle can drive anyone insane. At our Company, and specifically, the MRO Services group, we are focused on aircraft component maintenance solutions. We do not allow background noise to deter us from our objective: create and enhance our brand to support our aviation customer missions.
This is a very rigorous road filled with many hardships, but the rewards and achievements outweigh the bad memories. The current situation will eventually be part of our history. The emotions we have today will soon be part of that history. We use a technique to store those emotions in our leader’s “library” to create future interactions that will yield positive results.
Throughout my career, I have had many experiences, bad and good, to draw from. However, there is one common thread in my aviation leadership experience: given the right environment, people will always want to do their best!
It is the leader’s ultimate responsibility to set this environment by, well, simply leading!