Press Releases

GA Telesis Appoints Pastor Lopez as President of its Component and Composite Repair Divisions
Author: gatelesis
August 3, 2017 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Leading aviation company, GA Telesis announced the appointment of Pastor Lopez as the President of its Component Repair Group SE (CRGSE) systems MRO and its Composite Repair Group (CRG) aerostructures MRO divisions. Pastor will grow the division revenues over the next five years by making significant technology enhancements, additions to the business units’ repair capabilities, building new greenfield MRO businesses and via acquisitions.
“Pastor is a seasoned pro that has the experience to drive our long-term growth strategy and initiatives,” said Abdol Moabery, President & CEO of GA Telesis. “We are going to provide Pastor the tools and financial resources he needs to thrust GA Telesis towards being the leading player in the MRO sector.”
Prior to joining GA Telesis, Mr. Lopez served as CEO of PEMCO. He has held key leadership positions in the MRO sector for AAR Aircraft Component and AAR Landing Gears where he had oversight of their Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Miami and New York business units. Previously, he was Vice President and General Manager of AAR Landing Gear Services where he managed the Miami and Malaysian facilities, culminating in 30 plus years of aviation experience. Pastor received his MBA, from the University of Miami and his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Florida International University. He also earned his Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certificate from Villanova University.
“I am excited about leading the GA Telesis component and aerostructures MRO businesses. These businesses have a longstanding reputation for quality and reliability,” said Pastor Lopez. “GA Telesis’ customers demand superior quality levels, and CRG and CRGSE are in the strongest position to perform on these demands while simultaneously increasing our service offerings to them,” he added.
About GA Telesis Component Repair Group Southeast (CRGSE) and Composite Repair Group CRG
GA Telesis Component Repair Group Southeast is an FAA/EASA/CAAC approved component MRO located at Miami International airport. With capabilities to repair and overhaul aircraft systems containing, hydraulics, pneumatics, electro-mechanical, servo, power and actuation, the company serves over 500 airline customers, OEMS, and MROs with integrated solutions which also include one of the world’s largest Rotable inventories held by an MRO.
GA Telesis Composite Repair Group is an FAA/EASA approved facility located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, that specializes in aerostructure and nacelle system repair and overhaul. CRG has the capability to perform complex repairs and overhauls on all structural and composite components for Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier and Embraer aircraft. The Company also offers its SNAP (Strategic Nacelle Access Program). SNAP provides its contract customers with dedicated access to the world’s largest independent inventory of nacelle systems 24/7/365. CRG’s Go-Team is also one of the few companies authorized by the FAA to remotely perform repairs on structural components while installed on the aircraft.
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