
Accounting for Turbulence By Brittney Falls

Accounting for Turbulence By Brittney Falls

No one looks forward to taking a flight on a stormy day, as it can be worse than the scariest roller coaster ride. The aviation industry is literally experiencing turbulence as we weather the storm of Covid-19.  Traveling on a flight that is experiencing turbulence can be scary and very unpredictable. As passengers, we know to immediately buckle our seatbelts while the pilots seek solutions such as changing the altitude or going around the storm.… Read more

Investing in our TEAM by Ben Macre

Investing in our TEAM by Ben Macre

If you follow aviation news, you will know that GA Telesis has continued to invest in its business despite the ongoing pandemic.  In the last year, you have seen press releases announcing that GA Telesis has acquired a fleet of 777 aircraft for future part out and lease and converted two 737-800’s from passenger to freighter configuration. GAT has also launched several new divisions: GAT Logistics Solutions Group (shipping and warehousing) and Tarmac Solutions Group… Read more

Excelling During a Crisis By Pastor Lopez

Excelling During a Crisis By Pastor Lopez

The MRO Services Group and GA Telesis ended 2019 on a high note.  Achieving new financial performance records and our legendary holiday party was the best one ever! As we bid farewell to 2019, we were excited to roll into 2020 with a set of goals and objectives that would bring us to another record year, and we were armed with new customer agreements to make it happen. January 2020 began like any other year… Read more

Team Resiliency During the Global Pandemic By Geraldo Abreu

Team Resiliency During the Global Pandemic By Geraldo Abreu

In February 2020, when COVID-19 became a global issue, #GA Telesis’s leadership team did not panic.  The Company has been serving customers successfully for more than eighteen years and has seen several disruptive cycles in the aviation industry.  As a resilient team, this unique experience positioned the team to quickly mobilize and provide the necessary support to our employees while not losing sight of our customers’ needs that were carrying much-needed supplies of medical equipment… Read more